You are on Facebook, you are on Twitter, you are on Instagram, but you don’t have the desired amount of followers. Now, how do you build social media followers? If you are wondering ways to get more followers on social media, then this is for you. So, let’s get started.
Content Hubs
A big mistake that a lot of companies make is they try to build a following without actually having any presence at all. They have the branding, they have their avatar, but they don’t have any content. Firstly, start focusing on building a very small targeted organic following by sharing quality content. You are probably wondering, “Well, what should I post?” Don’t worry, a lot of people are. You need to figure out who is in your space and who is sharing really good content.
If you don’t have anything unique to share right now, share other people’s content that might be relevant to your brand. Share quotes, images, blogs etc. for the time being to build a presence. Then once you have figured out what you need in order to stand out, start sharing your unique content that is relevant to your target audience.
Which raises the question – “Is it OK to post the same content on each platform every day?” Well, not really. You would want different audiences to follow you on different platforms for different reasons. So, the content needs to be different as well. That being said, these contents can be relevant to each other. This way you can create a chain from one content to another which will help build your presence on different platforms, with somewhat similar content.
Friends first
Go after those warm leads. Go for the people in your community. They may be clients, friends, families, people that will want to support you. It will help your algorithms at the end of the day because you have people liking the content that you post as opposed to just trying to attract random people who may not engage with you if they don’t see anybody else engaged. Also, with the emails and business card you send. Make sure you include all the social properties in them. It’s an easy way for people to see how they follow you.
Finding your tribe
This one kind of goes back to content hubs. People don’t really understand the importance of hashtags in social media marketing. Technically, it’s the pound sign and then a word. If you click on that word, it will bring you to a hashtag hub where you can find tons of content related to that hashtag. So, if you have specific hashtags in your industry (which we all do) that perform really well, keep a note of them to track down related articles and conversations, and become a part of them. Don’t wait for people to find you. Use those hashtags as an opportunity to create conversations with new contacts all around the world.
Look for the biggest influencers in your space, the biggest bloggers, the biggest websites, the biggest magazines etc. See and pay attention to the hashtags that they are using. Click on them to see who is active, in order to find out your target audience.
Bottom line
Follow the above hacks if you want to grow in the field of digital marketing.