Controversial marketing doesn’t plan to captivate a crowd of people. It’s an eye-catching method for expressing a sentiment, and brands use it to start beneficial discussions about certain virtues. Lately, any position taken on touchy social issues can be viewed as dubious marketing.
Let’s have a look at the ad failures and how to fix them.
1) Pixel Image
Have you ever tried to use an image for an ad that wasn’t exactly digital media marketing “recommended” size? We have, as you might imagine, it didn’t go too well.
The single image ad was rejected once because it was one pixel off from the recommended size.
Power Editor was just stuck and no matter how many times we tried uploading the image, the preview just stayed blank. To troubleshoot, we restarted the Power Editor, re-created the campaign again from scratch, and tried a different browser – but nothing made a difference.
Finally, we checked any creative and saw that it was 1200 x 627 pixels instead of the “recommended” 1200 x 628. When we adjusted the image, it loaded into the campaign perfectly as nothing happened.
We wish Power Editor would have given us a head’s up about what was wrong.
How to Fix It:
If something goes wrong during your ad creation and you can’t figure out why to double-check you’re creative to make sure it matches digital marketing recommended ad specs exactly.
2) Meaning of Words
Here’s something you may not know: illustrations of falling snow are words!
Wait, what? Let us explain.
We were making a carousel ad and that we unbroken obtaining the “your ad might not run” error message as a result of there was “too abundant text” in it.
We started to strip text, test, strip more text, and then test over and over again until there was no text in the ad:
Looking at it closely; there was zero text in that image and it still failed. Okay, maybe a little if you zoom in on the company’s logo, but does not deserve a warning “Image Text: High”.
So we recommend you what anyone would do in this situation: take a screenshot and send it the screenshot to the Facebook and ask for an explanation and direction on how to fix it.
We figured out by trial and error that when removed the snow graphic, the image (even with some real text in it) passed with no issues! In different words: the program was reading the snow as text.
How to Fix It:
Contact Facebook ads support via Power Editor. They’re very helpful and nice! Likewise, the Facebook content overlay device may procure a place on Chrome bookmark bar nearby substantial hitters like the Shopify login and Google Analytics.
If you aren’t using that tool yet and you put text in your ads, we highly recommend you check it out.
3) Text on product images
On the off chance that you figure I can simply drop in a decent delight shot .png of the most recent collector into Photoshop.
Numerous advertisements including item pictures have an issue as there is a great deal of content on an item picture that way and despite the fact that they state this ought to meet all requirements for a special case, which has not been our experience for our items.
Yet, removing the content from an interactive media beneficiary is a terrible choice because the substance on the item’s screen is naturally attached to the intrigue and estimation of the item! That is obviously why Facebook made item pictures a special case, and even though those exemptions should be naturally applied, they were not for our situation.
Before reaching Facebook, make a point to cause a rundown of issues you to have including this one. They will clarify you that whenever you experience this issue, to tell them and they’d perceive what he could do. He never said he would (or could so far as that is concerned) successfully help me account-wide or to keep it from happening again.
How to Fix It:
If you realize you have an advertisement coming up that will have a message in it yet ought to meet all requirements for a special case, start your promotion creation right off the bat on the off chance that you have to contact Facebook advertisements backing to get it settled.
4) Editing Boosted Posts
We noticed that a boosted post was getting a lot of engagement on Instagram and we thought we’d change the link to a new optimized landing page I had just finished working on.
So here’s what we learned from this particular fail.
You are allowed to edit your boosted post and alter the link on your ad however there’s a catch.
The Instagram ad preview in Power Editor updates with your new link but it does not change the link on your live Instagram ad. Boo.
If you somehow forget the link entirely, you cannot return and add one. Boo!
However, if you want to change or add a link on a boosted post on Facebook it will change the link.
How to Fix It:
The excellence of the boosted post is that it’s so natural and modest that one may be enticed to be habitual about clicking that “help currently” button. Rather, slow down and ensure your advertisement substance is 100% useful on both Facebook and Instagram (on the off chance that you have Instagram and it’s connected). Imagine that your supported advertisement is a printed promotion you won’t have the option to change once it runs (b/c on Instagram it fundamentally is).
Facebook advertisements are such a cost-effective approach to advance your business that it merits the majority of the bombs at last. Any digital marketing platform ad team is always ready to help you as they don’t want to lose you as a valued customer. If you have any problems with regards to ads on social media specifically, then there is a team of experts always ready to help you.